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Top 5 Reasons for Video SEO

Top 5 Reasons for Video SEO

Posted in: Video Tips- Apr 03, 2012 1 Comment

Search Engine Optimization. Chances are, if you’ve been in business for more than a day you’ll be all too familiar with these words. SEO is the driving force behind online marketing. Gone are the days of going to the phone book or Yellow Pages. If a customer is looking for what you’re selling, 9 times out of 10 they’ll be researching it through a major internet search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo.

SEO doesn’t come easy, however. This critical, commerce driving force means that getting a high page ranking is an exceedingly competitive market. One of the single best ways of increasing your return on investment is by integrating video throughout your website. Not convinced? Let’s take a look at the Top 5 reasons you should be using Video SEO.

1.  Your site can be ranked right now

Traditional SEO takes into consideration many factors when giving a site its ranking. Things like the age of the site, number of pages, links coming into the site and where those links are coming from all play a factor in organic SEO.

With video SEO, none of that matters. Search engines give more importance to content with embedded video, simple as that. This means that even newer or smaller companies are able to compete with large companies when they use video. According to Forrester Research, sites with video rich content were 50 times more likely to get first page rankings versus those who mainly use text.[1]

YouTube Logo2. YouTube – The World’s Largest Search Engine

Well, technically, YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine, trailing Google. It is however, the world’s largest video search engine. YouTube even generates more traffic than Bing and Yahoo in combined overall searches.Even within Google, YouTube continues to dominate the market share.[2]


youtube search3. Video Brings in Links

Links to your website are important. In-linking is one of the basic SEO techniques that have been around as long as search engines. Modern search engines now use specific algorithms to determine the importance of incoming links. Gone are the days of submitting your content to massive link farms. While those types of sites still exist, Google is constantly working to diminish their impact since they provide no valuable information to the end user.

If your site has relevant video and you’re using the proper platforms to distribute that video (i.e. YouTube) you’re more likely to have sites that link back to your content that rank higher in the search engine’s importance. Since video is easily distributable to specific demographics through the use of social media and networking, you will make impressions with a much higher return on investment.

4. Blended Search Results

Google and other major search engines have implemented what they call blended search results. Videos and image searches are some of their biggest players. To reflect that, images and videos are given priority listings at the top of a search and non-media based content is shown afterwards.

This means that there is the potential to have more impressions per search because of the blended results. More impressions have the potential for more conversions by using video on your landing pages. Likewise, a video result in position 4 or 5 is likely to receive more clicks than a text result that lands in position 2 or 3.

5. They’re Already Doing It – Follow the Leaders

Big companies such as Target, Amazon and Nike each have thousands of videos hosted or embedded throughout their site. They understand the importance of it. To stay competitive, follow the leaders. Take, for example, Zappos.

Zappos, an online only shoe retailer, is a company that was built on SEO. Zappos.com has continued their SEO dominance through the use of Product Videos. Hosting over 100,000 videos on their website, Zappos.com reports that they attribute $500,000 per month from video traffic driven by video search results.

If you want your customers to be able to find your business, you need video SEO to stay competitive. Red Llama has partnered with some of the top Arizona SEO companies to provide quality video for our clients. Having the edge over the competition will drive your business to the next level. Contact Us today for a quote and View our Portfolio for a sample of our work.


llama logo cropped


[1] http://blogs.forrester.com/interactive_marketing/2009/01/the-easiest-way.html
[2] http://www.aimclearblog.com/2011/03/24/revealed-which-video-platforms-get-results-in-universal-serps/



One Response to “Top 5 Reasons for Video SEO”

  1. ashley says:

    Great article, it’s amazing how the use of videos has accelerated technology and businesses so much in such a short time. Let us know how video SEO is going for RedLlama!

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